Spring FISM Coalition Meeting

The Fishers Island Seagrass Management (FISM) Coalition will hold its spring meeting in May!

When: Friday, 12 May 2023, 12:00-1:30 pm

Where: Zoom – email Hannah Vagts, our project coordinator, for the invite information

Who: All members of the community are welcome! Non-coalition members will be observers and have the opportunity to comment at the end of the meeting.

The FISM Coalition is launching the first season of its Save Our Seagrass (S.O.S) Movement! The S.O.S Movement, created by this community-led organization, encompasses four initiatives: 1) provide a path using education and engagement for homeowners to reduce their nitrogen footprint, 2) encourage boaters of Fishers Island Sound to use the coastal waters of Fishers Island with care to sustain our healthy waters for generations, and 3) generate a sense of pride within Fishers Island residents and visitors about their eelgrass meadows through a citizen scientist network.

Before the first phase in the S.O.S Movement can begin, the FISM Coalition will convene to discuss the critical messages to use in their educational materials and what form those materials will take. The coalition will also review their seagrass monitoring objectives and the opportunities for Fishers Island community members to participate in the movement.

This meeting is an excellent opportunity for your voice to be heard if you have any questions or concerns about our monitoring, messaging, or engagement plan!


MPA Watch Training Day!


The Save Our Seagrass Movement Needs You!